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  • 产品名称:气动阀,气动球阀

  • 产品型号:Q641F
  • 产品厂商:阿斯塔Arsota
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QJ (D / S) R-type O-intensive small pneumatic valve one kind of cut off the corner of 90 ° rotation of the controlled valve. It consists of pneumatic piston actuator and the composition of O-type ball valve, valve core sphere using cylindrical hole. QJ (D / S) R-type for soft seated ball valve, QJ (D / S) RY-type of seal valve.
The product is compressed air as power source, accept the distributed control system (DCS), programmable logic controller (PLC) such as switching signals, can be realized through the solenoid valve control valve fast bits.
The product is through casting body, spherical processed by special technology and hardened, making it a smooth surface wear, with a long life, compact structure, reliability, flow capacity, flow resistance coefficient is small, easy to install and good cut-off performance characteristics. Products are widely used in papermaking, petrochemical, metallurgy, aerospace, food, medicine, water treatment and other industries, particularly for high viscosity and contain fiber media process control.
Pneumatic piston actuators can be divided into single and double acting two. Dual role in the loss of power or loss of use of gas when the valve is out of power or loss of gas when the position to ensure continued production. Single in the loss of power or loss of gas when the valve is in the original extreme position (open or closed) to ensure that the production process in a secure location


沪公网安备 31010602002560号

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